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Seeking reader questions for Portland Board of Education candidates

James Townsend

On November 5th, 2024, Portland voters will be asked to choose two people to serve six-year terms on the Portland Public Schools Board of Education. 


In the coming weeks, The Portland Beacon will be working to prepare a piece to help readers get to know the candidates better.  If you have any questions you would like asked of the school board candidates, please email them to no later than August 31st, 2024.


While all your questions are welcome and will be considered, we may limit the number of questions presented to candidates based on what we determine to be most impactful for readers.


According to the Michigan Association of School Boards, under Michigan law, a board of education has the ultimate responsibility for school district operations. Among other things, the Revised School Code gives each board of education general powers to:


·       Educate students.

·       Provide for the safety and welfare of students.

·       Acquire and dispose of school property.

·       Determine matters relating to school employees and contractors.

·       Control the expenditure and receipt of school funds.

·       Make joint agreements and cooperative arrangements.


Specific provisions in the Revised School Code also assign responsibilities to school boards in areas such as:


·       Setting the curricula and courses taught in the schools.

·       Employing a superintendent, other administrators, teachers and support personnel.

·       Levying local taxes to run the schools and adopting a budget.

·       Deciding whether or not to furnish transportation for pupils.

·       Negotiating with employee unions regarding salaries and other conditions of employment.


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