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January is School Board Recognition Month

Randy Hodge

January has been designated as School Board Recognition Month. As citizen leaders of St. Patrick School, our board members face complex and demanding challenges. In the Diocese of Grand Rapids, school boards are known as School Boards of Limited Jurisdiction.

With this type of school board, board members work closely with the administration and assist in the governance of the school. According to diocesan policy, “The Board of Directors shall have as its primary concern the ministry of Catholic education via strategic planning, formulation of policies relating to academic, student, and faith community affairs, and evaluation of policies and operations.” The School Board has been proactive in these responsibilities over the years.

Our school board members complete most of their work in the following subcommittees:

● Executive Committee

● Mission Effectiveness Committee

● Admissions/Development Committee

● Finance Committee

● Marketing and Communication Committee

● Strategic Planning/Policy Committee

Each school board subcommittee also has active members who assist with any work that needs to be completed by that subcommittee. Subcommittees typically meet once a month and complete many tasks for the school board behind the scenes.

The current members of the Board are Melissa Schrauben, who serves as the Chair of the Board and the Executive Committee. Jeff Fedewa serves as the Vice Chair of the Board and oversees the Finance Committee along with Denise Dunning. Nancy Wohlschied serves as the Recording Secretary. Brandi Bengel and Richelle Vallier, serve as the Chairs of the Mission Effectiveness Committee. Brenda Smith and Connie Vallier, serve as the Chairs for the Strategic Planning/Policy Committee. Ashley Kleiwer serves as the Chair of the Marketing/Public Relations Committee and Elizabeth Hager serves as the Chair of the Admissions/Development Committee.

The St. Patrick School Board meets on an approximate six-week rotation in the Parish Hall and encourages attendance. Meetings begin with Mass at 6:00 p.m. and reconvene after Mass at 6:45 p.m. The School Board meeting dates for the remainder of the school year are:

● February 8, 2022

● April 12, 2022

● May 10, 2022

We would like to thank our School Board members and all subcommittee members for sharing their time, talent, and dedication to make our school a much better place. Their knowledge, enthusiasm, and leadership are a vital part of our school’s success. If anyone has questions, concerns, suggestions, or is interested in becoming a member of our School Board or serving on a subcommittee for the remainder of this school year or for next school year, please contact Chairperson Melissa Schrauben at

Additional information about the School Board, including meeting minutes, can be found under the Administration icon on our school website

Randy Hodge is the High School Principal at St. Patrick School.


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