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The Portland Community Food Bank

Kurt Fedewa

The Portland Community Food Bank has been serving the Portland area for over 30 years. It is located at the Portland United Methodist Church. Sara Smith acts as president of the bank.

“Our mission is to serve the community and to offer help to anyone in need of food assistance,” said Sara. “Anyone who lives within the Portland School District is eligible for food,” she explained.

The food bank serves over 70 families every month. It relies on grants and on other donations to finance the purchase of food.

“People may visit us and pick up food once a month. But if they are facing an emergency need of food, then they may contact us and we will make special arrangements for them. No one needs to go without food,” said Sara.

Senior members of the community who are shut-in as well as disabled people may also benefit from the food bank. Delivery service is available for these people.

“We want to get the word out that we are here for them,” said Sara.

Anyone may donate time, talent, money or food to the food bank.

“If people wish to volunteer their time or to donate money or food, then they may visit us on Mondays or on Thursdays during our regular hours and let us know of their offer. They may also contact us through Facebook,” said Sara.

The food bank has some strong supporters. Tom’s Food Center donates large amounts of food to the bank, and it also offers discounts to the bank on other food. Through the organization, Feeding America West Michigan, the bank is able to purchase five pounds of food for every dollar spent.

“Every dollar that is donated to us counts heavily,” said Sara.

Finally, the food bank makes it easy to pick-up food.

“We are open on Mondays from 9 am to 12 pm and on Thursdays from 4 pm to 6 pm,” said Sara. “People may also call us if they cannot make it to the bank during our regularly scheduled hours, and we will help them fit the food pick-up to their schedule. If people come to the bank, then they may pick out what they want, just as though they were shopping at the grocery store. They don’t need to have any items that they do not want. Selection is up to them.”

The food bank has food on hand. It is also looking for volunteers and for donations. Sara said that interested parties may contact her using the information below.

The Portland Community Food Bank

310 E. Bridge Street

Portland, MI 48875

(Portland United Methodist Church)

Telephone Sara at 517-204-4279

Email: See also Facebook.

Hours: Monday 9 am to 12 pm, Thursday 4 pm to 6 pm


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