Robotics Team Seeking Sponsors

Twin Rivers Robotics is a High School Robotics team out of Portland Michigan that competes in the FIRST Robotics Competition. The team is heading into its seventh year and is seeking those who may be interested in helping to fund program.
“We are a team of young, innovative thinkers that have been recently pushing the boundaries of our budget and need your support to continue moving onward and upward. We are interested in mentors, parts, monetary donations, or anything you are willing to donate. Since we are run through Portland High school, we qualify as a 501c-3 non-profit meaning any donation is tax deductible and looks amazing to any consumer of your products, goods, or services.”
The team is running a sponsorship tier system that can show other benefits sponsors can get depending on what they are able to provide. It includes things like year round branding opportunities and access to the team, using t-shirts in our t-shirt cannon. You can learn more about us on their website