Rep. Calley announces May office hours
Release from the Office of State Rep. Julie Calley

State Rep. Julie Calley invites residents to attend her May office hours in Portland and Hastings.
“Hearing from the residents of the district helps me better represent you in Lansing,” said Calley, of Portland.
The informal meetings will take place at the following times and locations:
· Friday, May 6, from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Barry County Tyden Center, 121 S. Church St. in Hastings
· Friday, May 13, from noon to 1 p.m. at Portland City Hall, 259 Kent St. in Portland
No appointment is necessary to attend.
Calley is also planning a virtual option for community members who are unable to attend in person. Please email or call (517) 373-0842 to schedule a Zoom meeting.