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Portland High School Receives AED Donation from Wes Leonard Heart foundation

Portland High School recently received an automated external defibrillator, or AED, thanks to the Wes Leonard Heart foundation.

According to the group’s website, the Wes Leonard Heart Team is committed to honoring the children who have lost their lives to Sudden Cardiac Arrest and preventing other families and friends from feeling the pain of losing their loved ones. With this team approach we feel we can give others a chance at “just one more game”.

Portland High School was also named as a MI HEARTSafe School. According to the Michigan Alliance for Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death of the Young, MI HEARTSafe Schools have met standards to protect their students, staff and visitors in the event of a sudden cardiac arrest. The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Michigan Department of Education, Michigan High School Athletic Association, American Heart Association and Michigan Alliance for Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death of the Young (MAP-SCDY) designate these schools as MI HEARTSafe.

You can find more information about the Wes Leonard Heart Foundation at

You can find more information about the MI HEARTSafe School program at


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