Portland Garden Club announces annual Geranium Sale
The Portland Garden Club will be having its annual Geranium Sale once again, with online ordering available at https://portlandmigardenclub.org/geranium-sale on April 1 and running through April 22nd. Cost will be $2.50 per plant, with available colors being Red, White, Light Pink, Dark Pink, and Salmon. There will be a limited quantity, so place your order early as these hearty beautiful plants go quickly! Curbside pickup at the Portland Red Mill will be on Thursday, May 5th from Noon to 6pm. Stay in your vehicle and pay with exact cash or check placed in a baggy or envelope. Your geraniums will be loaded in your vehicle by one of our volunteers.
If you are interested in volunteering to assist with the sale, or you want to order by phone, please contact Cathy at (616) 284-1213. Proceeds help us to beautify downtown Portland, have educational speakers at our meetings, and make monetary donations to local organizations.
Courtesy Photo.