Portland Arts Fest set for March 26th

On Saturday, March 26th the PPS Music Program is hosting the Portland Arts Fest. We changed the name this year from "Day of Music" because this event features fine arts of all varieties: singing, dancing, playing musical instruments, visual art, drama, everything PPS and Portland as a community has to offer.
The main stage will be in high school auditorium and the cabaret stage will be in the high school cafeteria.

We will also be hosting a craft show in the gym, silent auction in the main hallway, three 50/50 raffle drawings, and visual art from all of our students DK-12. We are still growing our choir program, so we have a lot of vocal music features this year: three school choirs, two a capella groups from MSU, and soloists from our secondary choir program and the Portland Civic Players. We are excited to host many other special guests as well, including Strike Percussion Ensemble and Caledonia Pipes & Drums (both from Caledonia, MI), Hubbardston Irish Dance Troupe, the Charlotte Community Band, and the Portland Community Orchestra. We also have ukulele groups and recorder groups from some of our Westwood students as well.
We will be selling concessions, delicious food from the school, and hosting Maria's Tacos if anyone gets hungry throughout the day.