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PHS Tennis Repeats as Regional Champs


On Thursday, the Portland Varsity Tennis team hosted the regional tournament for Division 4, Region 28. The Raiders had five #1 seeded flights and three #2 seeded flights going into the tournament. The team was favored to win the tournament having that many high seeds, but exceeded expectations by having seven of the eight flights win their flight championship! There was a definite team effort to insure qualifying for the state tournament! Every single player on the team played every single point as if that was the one point needed to qualify. While the team points added up early in the day to qualify the team, all players maintained their focus to then win the team championship. Without a doubt, this was a great day to be a Raider! Portland won the Regional Championship with 22 points, qualifying for the State Tournament to be held in Kalamazoo in two weeks. Chesaning also qualified by placing second.

Winning flight championships for Portland were:

1 singles Kayla Weller

2 singles Alyssa Jack

4 singles Autumn Shimer

1 doubles Maura Lufkin & Corey Smith

2 doubles Kara Kraczon & Bella Virk

3 doubles Xanthe Cross & Elizabeth Seavey

4 doubles Allyson Logel & Alexa Weber

The full regional bracket with scores can be found HERE.

Photo courtesy of Nancy Lufkin.


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