MIRS names Rep. Calley House Member of the Year

State Rep. Julie Calley was recently named 2021 House Member of the Year by the Michigan Information and Research Service (MIRS), an online newsletter providing news and analysis of state government.
Calley, who serves as chair of the House Local Government and Municipal Finance Committee and assistant majority floor leader, was commended for her leadership on efforts to expand access to childcare, lower the cost of prescription drugs, modernize 911 technology, protect vulnerable children and adults from abuse, and offer new economic development opportunities for Michigan communities.
MIRS editor Kyle Melinn said the publication weights each legislator’s impact, level of activity and effectiveness when selecting the House Member of the Year.
“When you look at it though those three categories, it becomes clear that our House Member of the Year is Julie Calley,” Melinn said. “Julie Calley has taken every opportunity, it seems, to work with Republicans and Democrats alike in a collaborative fashion to advance various bills in extremely different categories. Whether it’s public health, whether it’s elections, mental health services – she has been active on various fronts to try and advance bills.”
MIRS noted Calley’s leadership and her effort to “bridge the gap” between Democrats and Republicans in a year where divisiveness has become commonplace.
Calley said the recognition was an honor she wouldn’t have earned without the help of her hardworking staff and other legislators willing to work together to find solutions.
“I’m deeply honored to have been named House Member of the Year by MIRS,” Calley said. “I work hard to bring solutions forward that improve life for families in our community. To do that effectively, my goal is to treat others with respect, listen to everyone’s concerns, and stay true to our community values.”