- Announcement
Jr. Raider Football and Cheer Registration Now is Open for 2021
Registration is now open for the Portland Jr. Raider Football and Cheer seasons for 2021. The program offers 4th-8th grade tackle football and cheer opportunities and is open to all youth living with the Portland Public School district boundaries.
To register your child, please visit
The program costs are $130 for football and $80 for cheer. This cost covers all required uniforms and equipment, except cleats/shoes.
Organizers are planning an in-person registration event in mid-May which is intended for first year parents only. This will allow new parents to have any questions answered.
While no one knows what COVID-19 restrictions will be in August, the Jr. Raider board is expecting to return to their regular season length for all grades.
For more information visit https://www.portlandjrraiders.com/ or follow them on Facebook "Portland Jr. Raiders".