Rep. Calley: Long-overdue car insurance rate relief has arrived for Michigan drivers

State Rep. Julie Calley said Michigan drivers will finally begin to see the benefits of the state’s car insurance reforms after the new law takes effect today.
The new law guarantees lower rates by giving drivers more choice on personal injury protection coverage, stopping price gouging on medical services for car accident victims, combating fraudulent claims and strengthening consumer protections.
Calley said Michigan’s highest-in-the-nation car insurance rates have been one of the biggest hurdles holding back Michigan families and the state, adding the new law was designed to retain the best car insurance coverage and offer drivers more affordable options.
“After paying the highest car insurance rates in the nation for years, Michigan drivers are finally going to get some relief,” said Calley, of Portland. “Beginning this week, people will have the freedom to choose the coverage level that best meets their needs and their budget. The best part is, people are saving money across the board – even when they decide to continue purchasing unlimited medical coverage.”
In addition to the guaranteed savings provided under the new law, the Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association (MCCA) announced it was reducing its annual per-vehicle assessment fee of $220 to $100 beginning July 1. The MCCA credited the reforms approved by the Legislature for the reduction, which put the fee at nearly a 20-year low.
Anyone interested in more information on the new law may visit for a rundown of all the new coverage level options, educational guides and shopping tips to help people maximize savings. Calley also encourages residents to consult with a trusted insurance agent for further advice on choosing a coverage plan that is in the best interest of themselves and their families.