Featured Business - Tru Family Dental

Tru Family Dental is the name of a company which is based in Southfield, Michigan. Dr. Krista Kappus is a dentist whom the company employs to practice dentistry at Tru Family Dental’s Portland location.
Dr. Kappus herself hails from Dexter, Michigan. She is a 2014 graduate of the University of Michigan School of Dentistry and she has been a practicing dentist for five years.
“As a child, I had a lot of issues with my teeth.” Explained Dr. Kappus. “I was blessed to know a wonderful dentist who helped me with my dental problems. I was so impressed with the work of this person, that I felt inspired to become a dentist myself.” She said. Dr. Kappus enjoys working in Portland.
“My job has allowed me to meet many people in this city.” She said. “Everyone here seems to be very caring of each other. I love that about this town.”
Tru Family Dental employs six people. I addition to Dr. Kappus, the dental office employs two dental assistants, two hygienists, and an office manager.
“We are a very tight-knit group.” Said Dr. Kappus. “We enjoy the company of each other.”
Indeed, Dr. Kappus loves her profession, as well as the people that she meets and those with whom she works. She draws tremendous satisfaction from her work.
“It’s very satisfying to help other people.” She said. “Many patients have life-changing experiences as a result of dental work. It’s very satisfying for me to be in a position to make that happen.”
Dr. Kappus said that many people come to her office while in severe pain. She said that she and her team are often able to relieve that pain in simply a few minutes. She said that this is very satisfying for her patients.
Still another facet of Tru Family Dental is cosmetic dentistry. “A nice smile helped by cosmetic dental work has a huge impact on a person’s level of self-confidence.” Said Dr. Kappus. “We feel grateful to be in a position to help people in this manner.”
Tru Family Dental is accepting new patients.
155 Rowe St.
Hours: Monday 7-6, Tuesday 7-3:30, Wednesday 8-4:30 and Thursday 7-5
This piece was originally published in the January 2019 Downtown Portland Newsletter. The full newsletter can be found at