First Congregational Church Seeks Musical Accompanist/Choir Director

First Congregational Church in Portland, Michigan seeks a musical accompanist/choir director for Sunday worship services from 10 to 11 am.
This position is responsible for accompanying the 18-member adult choir (chancel choir) two (2) Sundays per month and rehearsing with the choir once weekly on an agreed-upon evening.
This at-will employment contract position pays $500 per month ($600 per month if also directing the choir). The choir does not perform during the summer.
As Primary Organist and Pianist, this position will have first right of refusal for wedding and funeral requests coming to the church. Fees provided for those services are in addition to the monthly salary and are paid directly to the position.
Please mail your resume and references to First Congregational Church of Portland, 431 E. Bridge Street, Portland MI 48875 or attach in an email to
Mark the envelope or subject line: “Musical Accompanist Position”