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  • James Townsend

Human Trafficking Awareness Event Set for January 9th

The City of Portland and Portland Public Schools are joining forces to make Portland Blue on January 11th in recognition of National Human Trafficking Awareness day. We ask that the Portland community come together to learn the warning signs and identify Human Trafficking. To show your support in the fight against human trafficking we ask that you wear the color blue on January 11th.

Human trafficking may seem like a distant concern for our community but around the country, and right here in Michigan, men, women and children are forced into prostitution, domestic servitude and other labor for little or no pay. Human trafficking is a modern-day form of slavery and is a large and growing criminal industry worldwide.

On January 9th @ 6:30 pm Portland High School will host an informational presentation by Thomas Fick of the Michigan State Police on Human trafficking.

This presentation is open to anyone who wants to learn more about human trafficking.

We are also proud to announce that on January 9th Jenn Amo, Jenn At War, will be in Portland to conduct multiple age appropriate sessions during the school day about human trafficking with our 6th - 12th grade students. Jenn’s mission is to create awareness for our youth and young adults by sharing the Warning Lights program she created. This program will equip audiences with the knowledge and skills needed to recognize human trafficking and its many dangers. She wants to be sure her audiences are informed and will be able to recognize the Warning Lights of human trafficking.

To learn more about human trafficking please view these links:

Homeland Security Blue Campaign:

Michigan Attorney General Human Trafficking Site:,4534,7-359-82917_81399---,00.html

Please plan to attend this event at the High School on the 9th at 6:30 pm. We would also like to encourage you to wear blue on January 11th in support of Human Trafficking Awareness Day.

Will Heath


Portland Public Schools

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