Friends of the Red Mill Seeking Participants for Christmas Tree Lane

How would you like to help beautify Portland by participating in a Christmas Tree Lane? Friends of the Red Mill thought it would be a fun opportunity. It is open to all businesses, organizations, families and individuals who would like to put up a Christmas tree and decorate it. There is no cost to join in. Your cost would be in the tree and decorations.
Here is the general information:
Who: You
What: Put up a Christmas tree – it can be artificial (green, pink, purple, silver, whatever color you want) or a fresh cut tree.
When: Set tree up on Saturday, December 1 between 9:00 am and noon. If you are unable to make it during this time span, please contact one of the persons listed below. Take down would be on Saturday, January 5.
Where: The Christmas Tree Lane would be located on Water Street between Plant Drive and Morse Drive behind the Red Mill and Pavilion on the side of the trail nearest to Portland Products (east side).
Why: Because we think it would be fun and it is an opportunity for those wishing to participate to put up a tree to showcase their business, organization, family, etc.
Here are some guidelines that those wishing to participate will need to follow:
You can use an artificial or fresh cut tree. It needs to be anchored to the ground because as we all know with Michigan weather, it will be windy, rainy and snowy during the time it is up.
You can use whatever decorations you want to to showcase your business, organization, family, etc. Just keep in mind that decorations will need to be put on the tree such that it will withstand the wind, rain, snow, etc.
You will need to maintain your tree display during the time it is up to be sure that your decorations stay in place and the tree stays upright.
You are responsible for taking down your tree and properly disposing of it and the decorations on January 5.
There is no electricity available but battery-operated lights can be used, if you so choose.
It would be nice if you would identify your tree with either a sign or decoration on it.
Unfortunately, when decorating, keep in mind that there could be vandalism and theft. We always hope this won't be the case but we must also face a possible reality.
For more information or for the form to participate, call/text Cena Schneider 616.902.1335 or Noreen Logel 517.743.1830 or email