Portland and Danby Townships Recycling Reminder

This is a reminder that Portland and Danby Townships will hold their monthly recycling event on September 22nd and 23rd, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM each day, on Industrial Drive, just past Municipal Supply. For information on what is accepted, as well as other helpful recycling information for township residents, please visit https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/eb49d2_0fc92def588742708ba37cb2f88b85d7.pdf.
To save space in the bins, please be sure that all cardboard is flattened. Newspapers and magazines can be dropped in the Paper Gators that are located at all of the schools and many churches in town. Remember no plastic bags, no greasy pizza boxes and no cardboard beverage or food containers. (No frozen food boxes or pop/beer boxes).
If you would like to volunteer, please call Chris Jensen at 989-289-4071 or Dan Platte at 517-994-8086. Remember, this is only for residents of Portland and Danby Townships.