J-Dubbs Signature Subs to Sponsor Local Student Athlete of the Month Award

Beginning this month, J-Dubbs Signature Subs of Portland is partnering with The Portland Beacon to sponsor a Student Athlete of the Month Award. The monthly winner will receive a free sub of his/her choice from J-Dubbs Signature Subs, and will be the subject of a piece in The Portland Beacon highlighting his/her accomplishment.
Monthly winners will be entered for a chance at the Student Athlete of the Year award, and a free party platter from J-Dubbs Signature Subs.
To be nominated, the student athlete must attend either Portland High School or St. Patrick School, and be a member of a varsity sports program at his/her school. Nominations may be made by a member of their high school coaching staff, their athletic director, principal, or a school recognized student government organization at his/her school. Nominations will also be accepted from The Portland Beacon contributing writers.
Nominations must be submitted via email to jim@theportlandbeacon.com and must be received by the 15th of the month to qualify. Nominations must include a brief summary of the student athlete’s accomplishment as well as details on who is making the nomination. Nominations will be compiled into a survey/poll and posted to Beacon readers. The winner will be selected by Beacon readers and will announced at the end of the month.
The Portland Beacon and J-Dubbs Signature Subs reserve the right to modify or end this contest at any time and for any reason.