Portland Downtown Featured Business - Michigan Steel & Trim

Don and Jennifer Biddle are the proud owners of Michigan Steel and Trim, they operate this family business with their daughter Brooke. The business manufactures metal roofing and siding for residential and commercial use.
Don and Jennifer grew up in the Houghton Lake area and they have been part of the Portland community since 2005. They both have a background in construction and they easily moved into the manufacture of metal roofing and siding. They started their business three years ago and they sell their product to contractors and home owners.
“If a home owner purchases our products, then we can help them to arrange for a contractor to install it.” Said Jennifer. “We form our product to our customer’s specifications. We feed metal coil into a roll forming machine and we shape it into the desired profile. Then we cut it into the specified length.” She said.
Don and Jennifer employ six people in addition to themselves. “We feel that we have been very successful.” Said Jennifer. “We have had no problems with the business thus far. A selling point of our business is that the cost of a metal roof is often comparable to that of conventional shingles, and the metal roof will last much longer.” She said.
Don and Jennifer think highly of Portland. “It’s a great town to be in.” Said Jennifer. “We love the small, family-oriented atmosphere of Portland. We enjoy the town festivals and we provide a trailer for the BeerFest which is used as a stage for performers.” She said.
The future looks bright for the Biddles.
“We expect steady growth over the next ten years. We plan to expand the business and to add more employees.” Said Jennifer. “Things are looking good.”
349 N. Water St. Portland, MI 48875
Hours Monday-Friday 8AM-5PM
Telephone: 517-647-4555
This piece was originally published in the March 2018 Portland Downtown Newsletter. Duplicated with permission.