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  • St. Patrick High School - Student Ambassador Team

Chloe Alberta to speak at St. Pat's

The Student Ambassador Team and Students for Life chapter at Portland St. Patrick will be hosting Chloe Alberta on Sunday, January 14, in the parish hall. Doors open at 4:30 pm, with her talk beginning at 5:15 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend. There is no charge. Chloe Alberta is a senior English major at the University of Michigan. She has been a member of U of M’s Students for Life Chapter for four years, acting as Chairwoman for the Pregnant on Campus Initiative for the last three. In this capacity, Chloe coordinates with local and campus organizations to find resources for pregnant and parenting students, advocates for their rights, administers an annual scholarship, and (her favorite part) throws baby showers for expectant student moms. Chloe also represents Michigan students as a member of the Operations Committee at ArborWoman, Ann Arbor’s Pregnancy Medical Center. In her spare time, she loves to write, watch football, pet cats, drink copious amounts of coffee, and go to rock concerts.

We will also have information about the bus to Washington D.C. for the March for Life. We have a limited number of seats available for this great opportunity to make a stand for life.

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