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St. Patrick Celebrates Catholic Schools Week 2021

Randy Hodge

This year, there are many reasons to celebrate our own Catholic school here in Portland, as well as Catholic schools around the nation, as we continue to work through the pandemic. Catholic schools offer academic excellence and faith-filled education where God is embraced and not marginalized. While some Catholic schools are challenged by declining enrollments and school closures, St. Patrick School continues to have a steady enrollment, and Catholic schools in the Diocese of Grand Rapids also remain steady in their enrollments.

National test scores, high graduation, and college attendance rates and other data show that Catholic school students outperform other students in both the public and private sectors. In addition, research from the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) shows that 34% of millennials who attended a Catholic primary school are likely to attend Mass weekly. This number increases to 39% for Millenials if they attended a Catholic secondary school, but the number drops significantly to only 5% if they never attended a Catholic school. Not only are Catholic school students more likely to attend Mass weekly, they are also more likely to contribute generously to charitable organizations and to the communities in which they live.

We are excited to celebrate our Catholic school here in Portland. The success of our school is dependent on the support we receive from the greater Portland community and beyond.

We have a fun and exciting week planned despite the challenges we face at this time to ensure we continue to keep our students safe and learning in-person. Below is a calendar of the daily themes and celebrations that will take place at St. Patrick School throughout Catholic Schools Week (CSW):

Monday, February 1, 2021:

❖ Preschool-12th grade students will be treated to donuts and juice as we kick off CSW.

❖ All students will pray a candlelight rosary for our country.

❖ Student dress-up day: Students can dress in Red, White, and Blue (jeans allowed).

Tuesday, February 2, 2021:

❖ All-school virtual Mass from St. Andrew Cathedral in Grand Rapids at 10:00 a.m.

❖ Elementary students will celebrate the 100th day of school.

❖ Students will not be assigned any homework assignments or review.

❖ Student dress-up day: Comfy Day (no jeans).

Wednesday, February 3, 2021:

❖ All students celebrate the “Souper Bowl” by bringing a donation of canned/boxed food items.

❖ Grades 9-12 will celebrate Mass at 9:30 a.m. at St. Patrick Church.

❖ Students will make blankets to be donated to various organizations.

❖ Student dress-up day: K-8 Jersey Day (students wear their favorite jersey with school uniform bottoms) / high school Sunday Best (school appropriate).

Thursday, February 4, 2021:

❖ Ice cream will be served to all students at lunch.

❖ Grades 5-8 will celebrate Mass at 9:30 a.m. at St. Patrick Church.

❖ Student dress-up day: K-8 Sunday Best (school appropriate) / high school Jersey Day (students wear their favorite jersey with school uniform bottoms).

Friday, February 5, 2021:

❖ Big Rock/Little Rock snowman building (snow and weather permitting).

❖ High school students will celebrate with a pep assembly.

❖ Student dress-up day: Shamrock Spirit Day – this will be a jean/spirit wear day for all students.

We thank all of you for your generous support of St. Patrick School and ask that you keep our school in your thoughts and prayers as we celebrate Catholic Schools Week. We Pray! We Learn! We Achieve!


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