Portland Township Begins Search for Property for New Hall
After more than 30 years of being housed in the Emergency Services Building, the Portland Township Board has begun a search for property that will allow them to build their own Township Hall.
Supervisor Chris Jensen said, “So much has changed in the past decade that we have outgrown our current location.”
Clerk Charlene Keilen added, “Our current location for elections at Westwood elementary has worked well for many years but with recent changes to Michigan election law allowing voter registration on election day, it is difficult for me to oversee an election and also be at the Township Hall on the other side of town where my office is. Having everything in one location would be much more efficient.”
In addition, the Township is very short on document storage space and often has to reschedule meetings when two are scheduled for the same evening. Preliminary discussions have raised the possibility of the new hall being available for rental, as well.
A search has begun for vacant land on which a new hall could be built. The land would also allow the Township to move their monthly recycling to the new location.
The Township Board has a short list of criteria for the new property:
1. Minimum of 4 acres
2. Close to town (within 1-2 miles)
3. Paved road
Several parcels have been identified and property owners are being contacted.
If you own land that could be a good location for the new Township Hall, and if you would be willing to discuss a sale, please contact Supervisor Jensen at (517) 647-2479 or portlandtscjensen@gmail.com.