Portland Community Fund Association Coat Drive running until October 15th
The Portland Community Fund Association Coat Drive will start October 8th and continue for one week until October 15th. We will collect clean, usable warm weather coats of all sizes along with snow pants, hats, mittens, gloves and boots. The collection “bus” will be located at Bill’s Party Store at 1153 East Grand River, Portland. We will also take nonperishable food items. This is the only location to drop off your items.
Please no general clothing or garage sale items! Only clean coats, outerwear, boots, hats, mittens/gloves and boots and nonperishable food items. Your help is appreciated!
The Coat Giveaway will be Saturday, October 16th from 1 pm to 3 pm at the Knights of Columbus Hall located at 890 Maynard Road (this is a new location). Coats and outerwear are available to anyone needing them. We also have 70 pairs of adult sized shoes to give away. We ask that you consider wearing a face mask for this event.
Another option to get a coat is to visit the Portland Community Clothes Closet located at the Methodist Church, 310 Bridge Street. They are open Mondays 9 am to noon and Thursday 4 pm to 6 pm.
The Annual Coat Drive and Giveaway is grateful for the support of Portland Public Schools, Ted Goodman of Goodman Dairy Farm, Joel VanSlambrouck/ Scott Teachout of G&B Pool Supply and Bill’s Party Store. Neighbors Helping Neighbors!