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PHS Bowlers top Charlotte


On Friday, the Raiders competed against the Charlotte Orioles at Wagon Wheel.

The Varsity Girls came back from a 12 to 8 deficit to win 18 to 12.  They were led by Lilly Keller with a high game of 156 and a 290 two game series.  Savannah Sutton had the high game of the day with a 167.  The Girls now sit at 7-1 on the season.

The Varsity Boys won 17-13.  They were led by Dre Bigford-Cross who had a 203 and a 202 for a 405 two game series.  Eli Dakin had the high game of the day with a 205.  Varsity Boys are now 8-0 on the season.

The team's next competition is next Friday against Lansing Catholic at Wagon Wheel.

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