PAHS to present on Portland Sports Hall of Fame

How much to you know about the Portland Sports Hall of Fame and the area sports figures who have been honored? Tuesday, March 28th at 6:30 you are invited to hear Jon Snellenberger, a former Portland Middle School teacher and present-day golf coach, answer any questions you might have. His presentation will be a synopsis overview of the twenty-year, thirteen class history of the Portland High School Athletic Hall of Fame. There will be an interactive demonstration of the online draft of the to-be-released website of the PHS Athletic Hall of Fame. So far eighty-eight individuals, thirty teams, twelve coaches, and thirteen honorary inductees covering a span of ninety-nine years of Portland High School history have been inducted into the Hall of Fame. Come to the Senior Center at 6:30 on March 28th and learn more about their individual and team accomplishments. The Senior Center is located at 144 Kent Street and all are welcome.