PACE Graduation 2024

Portland Adult, Alternative, and Virtual Education proudly announces its graduating class of 2024, with a record-breaking 42 graduates. This milestone not only underscores the dedication and hard work of each individual student but also highlights the commitment of the institution to provide diverse pathways to education. The ceremony took place on Friday May 17, 2024 and honored the achievements of these graduates, showcasing their resilience and determination in the face of challenges.
Austin Thomas Adams Zoe Gorham*
Wyatt J. Anthony Aaron E. Guilford
Emily Ann Austin-Small Juliet Lauren Hash
Jennifer V. Dylan Austin-Small Alexis Lee Hilliard
Annalyn Ruth Baker Hanna Elizabeth Holliday
Seth Brooks Olivia Jones
Cutter Jon Buckland Isaiah Kiley-Sipperley
Sawyer John Buckland * Ava Virginia Knapp
Carragh Ella Cashen Emma Katrina Kwiecinski
Trysten Cassel Aiden Henry Langworthy
Kaitlyn Josephine Clark Jayden Edward Oaks
Adam Durrett Brooklyn Aaliyah J. Rhodes*
Hayleigh Evans Dakota Robinson
Brenden M. Fabiano Micah Patrick Russell
Ella P. Fedewa Joseph Sedore
Madison P. Fedewa Audin Stambaugh*
Nadia Oralia Fisher Abigail Grace Thorn
Aiden Ryan Flanders Emma Kay Thorn
Jacob Micheal Font Tyler T. Ward
Jillian Kay Fowler Chavela Williams
Olivia Goodman
*not photographed