Jace Peterson has wish granted by Make-A-Wish
In 2018 Jace Petersen was diagnosed with an extremely rare genetic disease called Krabbe Leukodystrophy. There is no cure for Krabbe Disease and the only treatment option is a stem cell transplant.
According to Jace’s mom Cheryl Huhn, “The only place in the United States that offered the treatment is the Children’s Hospital of the University of Pittsburg. Without the transplant Doctor’s advised that Jace would not make it to his 6th birthday, he was 4 1/2 at the time of diagnosis. On September 26, 2018 Jace had the transplant. We were told that during the progression of the disease Jace would never walk or talk again. Jace has battled through and can speak and walk with the assistance of a walker.”
Cheryl told the Beacon that Jace applied to Make-A-Wish and his wish was granted. She said, “Due to COVID, Jace’s original wish of a family vacation was cancelled because all trips were suspended indefinitely. This week Jace’s second wish was granted. Jace was given a customized golf cart that is John Deere green and yellow. Jace loves John Deere.”
Jace received wish on July 2nd at his home in Portland.
According to the organization’s website, “Make-A-Wish® is the nation’s largest wish-granting organization. It has fulfilled the wishes of more than 315,000 children in the United States and its territories since 1980. Headquartered in Phoenix, Make-A-Wish serves every community in the United States, Guam and Puerto Rico through its 60 chapters.”