Ionia County Notice of Election

Notice is hereby given that the regularly scheduled State General Election will be held in Ionia County, on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. The polls will be open from 7:00am to 8:00pm at the following polling location(s) in their respective jurisdictions:
City of Belding 1, St. Joseph Catholic Church, 409 South Bridge Street, Belding, Michigan, 48809, City of Belding 2, St. Joseph Catholic Church, 409 South Bridge Street, Belding, Michigan, 48809, City of Belding 3, Belrockton Historical Museum, 108 Hanover Street, Belding, Michigan, 48809, City of Ionia 1, Ionia Armory Community Center, 439 West Main Street, Ionia, Michigan, 48846, City of Ionia 2, Ionia Armory Community Center, 439 West Main Street, Ionia, Michigan, 48846, City of Ionia 3, Ionia Armory Community Center, 439 West Main Street, Ionia, Michigan, 48846, City of Ionia 4, Ionia Armory Community Center, 439 West Main Street, Ionia, Michigan, 48846, City of Portland 1, Portland City Hall, 259 Kent Street, Portland, Michigan, 48875, Township of Berlin 1, Outreach Christian Church, 7831 North Jordan Lake Road, Lake Odessa, Michigan, 48849, Township of Boston 1, St. Anthony's Catholic Church, 3927 Jackson Rd, Saranac, MI 48881, Township of Boston 2, Boston Township Hall, 30 North Center Street, Saranac, Michigan, 48881, Township of Boston 3, Boston Township Hall, 30 North Center Street, Saranac, Michigan, 48881, Township of Campbell 1, Campbell Township Hall, 331 South Main Street, Clarksville, Michigan, 48815, Township of Danby 1, Danby Township Hall, 13122 Charlotte Highway, Sunfield, Michigan, 48875, Township of Easton 1, Easton Township Hall, 720 North Bellamy Road, Ionia, Michigan, 48846, Township of Easton 2, Easton Township Hall, 720 North Bellamy Road, Ionia, Michigan, 48846, Township of Ionia 1, Ionia Township Hall, 1042 East Washington Street, Ionia, Michigan, 48846, Township of Keene 1, Keene Township Hall, 8508 Potters Road, Saranac, Michigan, 48881, Township of Lyons 1, Lyons Township Hall, 104 Prairie Street, Lyons, Michigan, 48851, Township of Lyons 2, Pewamo Village Office, 130 East Main Street, Pewamo, Michigan, 48873, Township of Lyons 3, Muir Village Office, 122 Superior Street, Muir, Michigan 48860, Township of North Plains 1, St. John the Baptist CCD, 326 River Street, Hubbardston, Michigan, 48845, Township of Odessa 1, Odessa Township Hall, 3862 Laurel Drive, Lake Odessa, Michigan, 48849, Township of Odessa 2, Odessa Township Hall, 3862 Laurel Drive, Lake Odessa, Michigan, 48849, Township of Orange 1, LeValley Community Hall, 4018 Kelsey Highway, Ionia, Michigan, 48846, Township of Orleans 1, Orleans Township Hall, 3077 Palmer Road, Orleans, Michigan, 48865, Township of Otisco 1, Ashley Baptist Church, 10463 Belding Road, Belding, Michigan, 48809, Township of Portland 1, Westwood Elementary School, 883 Cross Street, Portland, Michigan, 48875, Township of Portland 2, Westwood Elementary School, 883 Cross Street, Portland, Michigan, 48875, Township of Ronald 1, Ronald Township Hall, 4987 Stage Road, Ionia, Michigan, 48846, Township of Sebewa 1, Sebewa Township Hall, 2975 East Bippley Road, Sunfield, Michigan, 48890,
For the purposes of electing a candidate to the following office(s) in their respective jurisdictions:
Electors of President and Vice President of the United States, United States Senator, Representative in Congress District 3, Representative in State Legislature District 86, Representative in Legislature District 87, Member of the State Board of Education, Regents of the University of Michigan, Trustees of Michigan State University, Governors of Wayne State University, Board of Trustees Member Grand Rapids Community College, Board of Trustees Member Montcalm Community College, Board of Trustees Member Montcalm Community College Partial Term, Board of Trustees Member Lansing Community College, Justice of Supreme Court, Judge of Appeals Court District 3, Judge of Appeals Court District 3 Partial Term, Judge of Circuit Court 8, Judge of District Court 64A, Ionia County Prosecuting Attorney, Ionia County Sheriff, Ionia County Clerk, Ionia County Treasurer, Ionia County Register of Deeds, Ionia County Drain Commissioner, Ionia County Commissioner District 1, Ionia County Commissioner District 2, Ionia County Commissioner District 3, Ionia County Commissioner District 4, Ionia County Commissioner District 5, Ionia County Commissioner District 6, Ionia County Commissioner District 7, Township Supervisor, Township Clerk, Township Treasurer, Township Trustee for the Townships of Berlin, Boston, Campbell, Danby, Easton, Ionia, Keene, Lyons, North Plains, Odessa, Orange, Orleans, Otisco, Portland, Ronald, Sebewa, Belding City Council Member, Village President, Village Trustee for the Village of Lake Odessa, Clarksville, Hubbardston, Lyons, Muir, Pewamo, Saranac, Board Member Belding Area Schools, Board Member Berlin Township School District No. 3, Board Member Carson City-Crystal Area Schools, Board Member Easton Township School District No. 6, Board Member Grand Ledge Public Schools, Board Member Greenville Public Schools, Board Member Ionia Public Schools, Board Member Ionia Township School District No. 2, Board Member Lakewood Public Schools, Board Member Lakewood Public Schools Partial Term, Board Member Lowell Area Schools, Board Member Central Montcalm Public School, Board Member Pewamo-Westphalia Schools, Board Member Portland Public Schools, Board Member Saranac Community Schools, Board Member Thornapple-Kellogg Schools
For the purposes of voting on the following proposal(s) in their respective jurisdictions:
State Proposal 20-1, A proposed constitutional amendment to allow money from oil and gas mining on state-owned lands to continue to be collected in state funds for land protection and creation and maintenance of parks, nature areas, and public recreation facilities; and to describe how money in those state funds can be spent. This proposed constitutional amendment would: *Allow the State Parks Endowment Fund to continue receiving money from sales of oil and gas from state-owned lands to improve, maintain and purchase land for State parks, and for Fund administration, until its balance reaches $800,000,000. *Require subsequent oil and gas revenue from state-owned lands to go into the Natural Resources Trust Fund. *Require at least 20% of Endowment Fund annual spending go toward State park improvement. *Require at least 25% of Trust Fund annual spending go toward parks and public recreation areas and at least 25% toward land conservation. Should this proposal be adopted? State Proposal 20-2, A proposed constitutional amendment to require a search warrant in order to access a person's electronic data or electronic communications. This proposed constitutional amendment would: *Prohibit unreasonable searches or seizures of a person's electronic data and electronic communications. *Require a search warrant to access a person's electronic data or electronic communications, under the same conditions currently required for the government to obtain a search warrant to search a person's house or seize a person's things. Should this proposal be adopted? Campbell Township Proposition No. 1, NEW ADDITIONAL MILLAGE 2.25 MILLS FOR TOWNSHIP FIRE AND AMBULANCE SERVICES, OPERATIONS AND EQUIPMENT. Shall the limitation on general ad valorem taxation within the Township of Campbell imposed under Article IX, Section 6 of the Michigan Constitution be increased for Campbell Township by up to 2.25 mills ($2.25 per $1,000 of taxable value), for a period of four years, beginning 2021 and through 2024, both inclusive, subject to reduction as provided by law, upon all taxable real and personal property within the Township? The purpose of this new additional millage levy is to provide funding for fire and ambulance services, operations and equipment including, but not limited to, the purchase of a new fire truck in the Township. If approved, it is estimated that the levy of 2.25 mills will provide revenue of $194,214 in the first calendar year of the levy. The tax revenue received by the Township will be disbursed to the Township of Campbell for fire protection services, operation and equipment. North Plains Township Road Maintenance and Improvement New Additional Millage Proposal, Shall the constitutional total tax rate limitation on general ad valorem taxes in the Township of North Plains be increased by 1.0 mill ($1.00 per $1,000 of taxable value) for two (2) years, 2020 through 2021, inclusive, and shall the Township of North Plains levy such new additional millage annually on all taxable real and personal property to provide funds for improving and maintaining public roads in North Plains Township, thereby raising an estimated 28,500 in the first year of the levy? All or a portion of the revenues from the millage will be disbursed to the Ionia County Road Department or its successor for public road improvements and maintenance within North Plains Township. Otisco Township Renewal of Road Repair and Maintenance Millage Proposal, Shall the previously voted increase in the total tax rate limitation imposed under Article IX, Sec. 6 of the Michigan Constitution on general ad valorem taxes in Otisco Township be renewed at 2 mills ($2.00 per $1,000 of taxable value), and shall Otisco Township levy such millage annually on taxable property for four (4) years 2020 through 2024, inclusive, for the purpose of providing funds to maintain and repair the Otisco Township roads? If approved, this millage will raise approximately $168,760 in the first year of the levy. All or a portion of the revenues from this millage will be disbursed to the Ionia County Road Department for maintenance and improvement of public roads within Otisco Township. Otisco Township Ionia County Sheriff Services Millage Renewal Proposal, Shall the voters add the total tax rate limitation imposed under Article IX, Sec. 6 of the Michigan Constitution on general ad valorem taxes in Otisco Township be at .5 mills ($.50 per $1,000 of taxable value), and shall Otisco Township levy such millage annually on taxable property for four (4) years 2020 through 2024, inclusive, for the purpose of providing funds to have a deputy from Ionia County Sheriff's Department to patrol the township. If approved, this millage will raise approximately $42,183 in the first year of the levy. All or a portion of the revenues from this millage will be disbursed to the Ionia County Sheriff’s Department. Otisco Township Fire Protection and Emergency Rescue Services Millage Renewal Proposal, Shall the previously voted increase in the total tax rate limitation imposed under Article IX, Sec. 6 of the Michigan Constitution on general ad valorem taxes in Otisco Township be renewed at 1 mill ($1.00 per $1,000 of taxable value), and shall Otisco Township levy such millage annually on taxable property for four (4) years 2020 through 2024, inclusive, for the purpose of providing funds for fire protection and emergency rescue services? If approved, this millage will raise approximately $84,375 in the first year of the levy. All or a portion of the revenues from this millage will be disbursed to the City of Belding or other governmental agency pursuant to a contract for fire protection and emergency rescue services provided to Otisco Township.
Notice is hereby given that any qualified elector of the below listed townships who is not already registered, may register to vote at the office of the Township Clerk; the office of the County Clerk; a Secretary of State branch office, or other designated state agency. Registration forms can be obtained at and mailed to the Township Clerk. Voters who are already registered may update their registration at Anyone who qualifies as an elector may register to vote in person with proof of residency (MCL 168.492) at their Township Clerk’s offices, located below with the following times:
City of Belding 1, Belding City Hall, 120 Pleasant Street, Belding, Michigan, 48809, 10/31/2020 7:00am to 3:00pm, , 11/03/2020 7:00am to 8:00pm, Contact Clerk for Normal Business Hours, City of Belding 2, Belding City Hall, 120 Pleasant Street, Belding, Michigan, 48809, 10/31/2020 7:00am to 3:00pm, , 11/03/2020 7:00am to 8:00pm, Contact Clerk for Normal Business Hours, City of Belding 3, Belding City Hall, 120 Pleasant Street, Belding, Michigan, 48809, 10/31/2020 7:00am to 3:00pm, , 11/03/2020 7:00am to 8:00pm, Contact Clerk for Normal Business Hours, City of Ionia 1, 409 West Main Street, Ionia, Michigan, 48846, 10/31/2020 6:00am to 2:00pm, , 11/03/2020 7:00am to 8:00pm, Contact Clerk for Normal Business Hours, City of Ionia 2, 409 West Main Street, Ionia, Michigan, 48846, 10/31/2020 6:00am to 2:00pm, , 11/03/2020 7:00am to 8:00pm, Contact Clerk for Normal Business Hours, City of Ionia 3, 409 West Main Street, Ionia, Michigan, 48846, 10/31/2020 6:00am to 2:00pm, , 11/03/2020 7:00am to 8:00pm, Contact Clerk for Normal Business Hours, City of Ionia 4, 409 West Main Street, Ionia, Michigan, 48846, 10/31/2020 6:00am to 2:00pm, , 11/03/2020 7:00am to 8:00pm, Contact Clerk for Normal Business Hours, City of Portland 1, Portland City Hall, 259 Kent Street, Portland, Michigan, 48875, 10/31/2020 7:00am to 3:00pm, , 11/03/2020 7:00am to 8:00pm, Contact Clerk for Normal Business Hours, Township of Berlin 1, Clerk's Office, 4825 Ainsworth Road, Ionia, Michigan 48846, 10/31/2020 8:00am to 4:00pm, , 11/03/2020 7:00am to 8:00pm, Contact Clerk for Normal Business Hours, Township of Boston 1, Boston Township Hall, 30 North Center Street, Saranac, Michigan, 48881, 10/31/2020 7:00am to 3:00pm, , 11/03/2020 7:00am to 8:00pm, Contact Clerk for Normal Business Hours, Township of Boston 2, Boston Township Hall, 30 North Center Street, Saranac, Michigan, 48881, 10/31/2020 7:00am to 3:00pm, , 11/03/2020 7:00am to 8:00pm, Contact Clerk for Normal Business Hours, Township of Boston 3, Boston Township Hall, 30 North Center Street, Saranac, Michigan, 48881, 10/31/2020 7:00am to 3:00pm, , 11/03/2020 7:00am to 8:00pm, Contact Clerk for Normal Business Hours, Township of Campbell 1, Campbell Township Hall, 331 South Main Street, Clarksville, Michigan, 48815, 10/31/2020 8:00am to 4:00pm, , 11/03/2020 7:00am to 8:00pm, Contact Clerk for Normal Business Hours, Township of Danby 1, Danby Township Hall, 13122 Charlotte Highway, Sunfield, Michigan, 48875, 10/31/2020 8:00am to 12:00pm, 11/01/2020 8:00am to 12:00pm, 11/03/2020 7:00am to 8:00pm, Contact Clerk for Normal Business Hours, Township of Easton 1, Easton Township Hall, 720 North Bellamy Road, Ionia, Michigan, 48846, 10/31/2020 9:00am to 1:00pm, 11/01/2020 9:00am to 1:00pm, 11/03/2020 7:00am to 8:00pm, Contact Clerk for Normal Business Hours, Township of Easton 2, Easton Township Hall, 720 North Bellamy Road, Ionia, Michigan, 48846, 10/31/2020 9:00am to 1:00pm, 11/01/2020 9:00am to 1:00pm, 11/03/2020 7:00am to 8:00pm, Contact Clerk for Normal Business Hours, Township of Ionia 1, Clerk's Office, 1667 East Parmeter Road, Ionia, Michigan, 48846, 10/31/2020 8:00am to 4:00pm, , 11/03/2020 7:00am to 8:00pm, Contact Clerk for Normal Business Hours, Township of Keene 1, Keene Township Hall, 8508 Potters Road, Saranac, Michigan, 48881, 10/31/2020 8:00am to 12:00pm, 11/01/2020 8:00am to 12:00pm, 11/03/2020 7:00am to 8:00pm, Contact Clerk for Normal Business Hours, Township of Lyons 1, Lyons Township Hall, 104 Prairie Street, Lyons, Michigan, 48851, 10/31/2020 7:00am to 1:00pm, 11/01/2020 10:00am to 12:00pm, 11/03/2020 7:00am to 8:00pm, Contact Clerk for Normal Business Hours, Township of Lyons 2, Lyons Township Hall, 104 Prairie Street, Lyons, Michigan, 48851, 10/31/2020 7:00am to 1:00pm, 11/01/2020 10:00am to 12:00pm, 11/03/2020 7:00am to 8:00pm, Contact Clerk for Normal Business Hours, Township of Lyons 3, Lyons Township Hall, 104 Prairie Street, Lyons, Michigan, 48851, 10/31/2020 7:00am to 1:00pm, 11/01/2020 10:00am to 12:00pm, 11/03/2020 7:00am to 8:00pm, Contact Clerk for Normal Business Hours, Township of North Plains 1, Clerk's Office, 405 South Washington Street, Hubbardston, Michigan, 48845, 10/31/2020 8:00am to 4:00pm, , 11/03/2020 7:00am to 8:00pm, Contact Clerk for Normal Business Hours, Township of Odessa 1, Odessa Township Hall, 3862 Laurel Drive, Lake Odessa, Michigan, 48849, 10/31/2020 9:00am to 1:00pm, 11/01/2020 9:00am to 1:00pm, 11/03/2020 7:00am to 8:00pm, Contact Clerk for Normal Business Hours, Township of Odessa 2, Odessa Township Hall, 3862 Laurel Drive, Lake Odessa, Michigan, 48849, 10/31/2020 9:00am to 1:00pm, 11/01/2020 9:00am to 1:00pm, 11/03/2020 7:00am to 8:00pm, Contact Clerk for Normal Business Hours, Township of Orange 1, Clerk's Office, 2966 East David Highway, Ionia, Michigan, 48846, 10/31/2020 9:00am to 5:00pm, , 11/03/2020 7:00am to 8:00pm, Contact Clerk for Normal Business Hours, Township of Orleans 1, Orleans Township Hall, 3077 Palmer Road, Orleans, Michigan, 48865, 10/31/2020 7:00am to 3:00pm, , 11/03/2020 7:00am to 8:00pm, Contact Clerk for Normal Business Hours, Township of Otisco 1, Otisco Township Hall, 9663 West Button Road, Orleans, Michigan, 48809, 10/31/2020 8:00am to 4:00pm, , 11/03/2020 7:00am to 8:00pm, Contact Clerk for Normal Business Hours, Township of Portland 1, Clerk's Office, 9774 East Goodwin Road, Pewamo, Michigan, 48873, 10/31/2020 7:00am to 3:00pm, , 11/03/2020 7:00am to 8:00pm, Contact Clerk for Normal Business Hours, Township of Portland 2, Clerk's Office, 9774 East Goodwin Road, Pewamo, Michigan, 48873, 10/31/2020 7:00am to 3:00pm, , 11/03/2020 7:00am to 8:00pm, Contact Clerk for Normal Business Hours, Township of Ronald 1, Clerk's Office, 6410 Woodard Lake Road, Fenwick, Michigan, 48834, 10/31/2020 8:00am to 4:00pm, , 11/03/2020 7:00am to 8:00pm, Contact Clerk for Normal Business Hours, Township of Sebewa 1, Sebewa Township Hall, 2975 East Bippley Road, Sunfield, Michigan, 48890, 10/31/2020 7:00am to 3:00pm, , 11/03/2020 7:00am to 8:00pm, Contact Clerk for Normal Business Hours,
Notice is hereby given that the Public Accuracy Test of the Hart Intercivic Voting System will also be conducted on the following dates in their respective jurisdictions:
City of Belding 1, Belding City Hall, 120 Pleasant Street, Belding, Michigan, 48809, 09/30/2020 9:30am, City of Belding 2, Belding City Hall, 120 Pleasant Street, Belding, Michigan, 48809, 09/30/2020 9:30am, City of Belding 3, Belding City Hall, 120 Pleasant Street, Belding, Michigan, 48809, 09/30/2020 9:30am, City of Ionia 1, Ionia City Hall, 114 North Kidd Street, Ionia, Michigan, 48846, 10/12/2020 8:00am, City of Ionia 2, Ionia City Hall, 114 North Kidd Street, Ionia, Michigan, 48846, 10/12/2020 8:00am, City of Ionia 3, Ionia City Hall, 114 North Kidd Street, Ionia, Michigan, 48846, 10/12/2020 8:00am, City of Ionia 4, Ionia City Hall, 114 North Kidd Street, Ionia, Michigan, 48846, 10/12/2020 8:00am, City of Portland 1, Portland City Hall, 259 Kent Street, Portland, Michigan, 48875, 10/12/2020 9:30am, Township of Berlin 1, Clerk's Office, 4825 Ainsworth Road, Ionia, Michigan 48846, 10/13/2020 4:00pm, Township of Boston 1, Boston Township Hall, 30 North Center Street, Saranac, Michigan, 48881, 10/12/2020 2:00pm, Township of Boston 2, Boston Township Hall, 30 North Center Street, Saranac, Michigan, 48881, 10/12/2020 2:00pm, Township of Boston 3, Boston Township Hall, 30 North Center Street, Saranac, Michigan, 48881, 10/12/2020 2:00pm, Township of Campbell 1, Campbell Township Hall, 331 South Main Street, Clarksville, Michigan, 48815, 10/22/2020 1:30pm, Township of Danby 1, Danby Township Hall, 13122 Charlotte Highway, Sunfield, Michigan, 48875, 10/12/2020 6:00pm, Township of Easton 1, Easton Township Hall, 720 North Bellamy Road, Ionia, Michigan, 48846, 10/24/2020 12:00pm, Township of Easton 2, Easton Township Hall, 720 North Bellamy Road, Ionia, Michigan, 48846, 10/24/2020 12:00pm, Township of Ionia 1, Clerk's Office, 1667 East Parmeter Road, Ionia, Michigan, 48846, 10/13/2020 6:00pm, Township of Keene 1, Keene Township Hall, 8508 Potters Road, Saranac, Michigan, 48881, 10/14/2020 9:00am, Township of Lyons 1, Lyons Township Hall, 104 Prairie Street, Lyons, Michigan, 48851, 10/12/2020 10:00am, Township of Lyons 2, Lyons Township Hall, 104 Prairie Street, Lyons, Michigan, 48851, 10/12/2020 10:00am, Township of Lyons 3, Lyons Township Hall, 104 Prairie Street, Lyons, Michigan, 48851, 10/12/2020 10:00am, Township of North Plains 1, Clerk's Office, 405 South Washington Street, Hubbardston, Michigan, 48845, 10/14/2020 8:00am, Township of Odessa 1, Odessa Township Hall, 3862 Laurel Drive, Lake Odessa, Michigan, 48849, 10/14/2020 7:00pm, Township of Odessa 2, Odessa Township Hall, 3862 Laurel Drive, Lake Odessa, Michigan, 48849, 10/14/2020 7:00pm, Township of Orange 1, Clerk's Office, 2966 East David Highway, Ionia, Michigan, 48846, 10/15/2020 6:00pm, Township of Orleans 1, Orleans Township Hall, 3077 Palmer Road, Orleans, Michigan, 48865, 10/14/2020 6:00pm, Township of Otisco 1, Otisco Township Hall, 9663 West Button Road, Orleans, Michigan, 48809, 10/19/2020 1:30pm, Township of Portland 1, Clerk's Office, 9774 East Goodwin Road, Pewamo, Michigan, 48873, 10/19/2020 10:00am, Township of Portland 2, Clerk's Office, 9774 East Goodwin Road, Pewamo, Michigan, 48873, 10/19/2020 10:00am, Township of Ronald 1, Clerk's Office, 6410 Woodard Lake Road, Fenwick, Michigan, 48834, 10/14/2020 6:00pm, Township of Sebewa 1, Sebewa Township Hall, 2975 East Bippley Road, Sunfield, Michigan, 48890, 10/13/2020 6:30pm,
Persons with disabilities as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act needing special accommodations should contact their township clerk’s office.
Greg Geiger
Ionia County Clerk