Portland Backpacks for Bellies offering supplemental family meal bags Starting July 9th

Portland Backpacks for Bellies will be offering to the Community of Portland and all PBB Students and Families supplemental family meal bags through curbside pick-up every Thursday evening beginning July 9th through the start of school. If you would like more information or to enroll your family, contact us via email, pbbportland@gmail.com or message us at facebook.com/portlandbacksforbellies to let us know how many adults and children are in your family.
Pick up can be made from 4:00-6:00 p.m. at Portland United Methodist Church
located at 310 E. Bridge St.
As a reminder, The Portland Food Bank is conveniently located next door to PBB and open during the hours of our curbside pick-up. They offer a variety of grocery items, meat and dairy to compliment our meals.
*These meals supported by the, RMHCF of Outstate MI.*