Chamber Shares Attorney General Office's letter regarding Fireworks event

The Portland Area Chamber of Commerce has shared a letter with the Beacon that they recently received from the State of Michigan Department of Attorney General. The letter was in regard to the fireworks display that was scheduled for July 3rd.
On June 27th, the Chamber announced that that event had been canceled. You can read more about that cancellation at
You find the full text of the AG letter below.

Chamber President Elle Lehman-Lay told the Beacon, "Our hands were tied as you can see."
Lehman-Lay added, "We also just got word from sheriff Charlie Noll that there were close to 1500 people in Lake Odessa (at their fireworks event), many of which were not social distancing at their fireworks this last Saturday. However, as far as we know there is no prosecution being brought on them by the prosecuting attorney or the AG‘s office."