- James Townsend
Diocese of Grand Rapids to resume public Masses on Friday, May 29
After more than two months of closure to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, parishes in the Diocese of Grand Rapids will be able to resume public Masses on Friday, May 29. The first weekend Masses in parishes will occur on May 30/31, the Feast of Pentecost.
“These past few months have required significant sacrifice. I am grateful to our pastors and their parish staffs who kept our churches open and worked to support the faithful through this time. Through it all, we have continued to bear witness to Jesus Christ through new methods of evangelization and outreach, through the sacraments, and prayer. I thank you for your patience and for showing your love of neighbor during this pandemic. This crisis has provided us a golden opportunity to freshen up our “yes” to God and to enrich the Domestic Church through our time together,” said Bishop Walkowiak. Reopening will proceed carefully and in phases. Upon reopening, churches will be able to allow for 25% seating capacity for Masses, baptisms, weddings, and funerals. A quick overview of diocesan directives may be found here. The logistics for how these directives will be implemented will be different for each parish. Parishioners are encouraged to check their parish website and social media for updates.
Read Bishop Walkowiak’s full letter to parishioners.
All Catholics within the territory of the Diocese of Grand Rapids are granted a dispensation from their obligation of attending Sunday Mass through June 30.
Mass will continue to be livestreamed from the Cathedral of Saint Andrew every Sunday at 10 a.m. for those who wish to view it. It can be viewed on FOX 17, on the diocesan website and Facebook page.
Updates can be found at: http://bit.ly/GRdioceseCOVID19Updates
Image from Diocese of Grand Rapids web site.