Justine Nowak Named PHS Raider of the Week

Portland High School is pleased to announce this week’s recipient of the “Raider of the Week” award for the week of March 16th:
Name: Justine Nowak
Grade: 12
Parents: Bill and Mindy Nowak
Activities: Justine participated with the Raider volleyball team during high school. She is a member of the PHS National Honor Society and has a part-time job at McDonald’s. She has volunteered at Mackenzie’s Animal Sanctuary. Justine also has her own Cupcake business “The Cupcake Girl.”
Post-High School Plans: Justine is enrolled in the Portland High School Early College Program and after graduation, plans to attend Grand Valley State University.
Award: In recognition of being selected as “Raider of the Week” at Portland High School, Justine is awarded one 9”/1-item pizza from The Pizza Shop courtesy of Dawn and Tom Hodge and will receive a plaque from S&K Trophies courtesy of Lynn and Dan Babbitt.