Portland Township Recycling set for April 25-26
Portland Township will be going ahead with the April recycling event on April 25-26, 2020, but it will operate a little differently from our past recycling events:
Recycling drop off will be self-serve. Volunteers, when available, will only be observing from a distance.
We urge anyone who is sick, has been sick, or is exhibiting any signs of illness to stay home and wait for the May recycling event.
We will have three bins available, because we didn't recycle in March. When the bins are full, DO NOT LEAVE ANYTHING ON THE GROUND. Granger employees WILL NOT pick up anything that is outside the bins.
As usual, the bins will be open from 8 am-5 pm on Saturday and from 8 am until they are full on Sunday. Please note that this is only open to Portland Township residents. To help make this recycling effort more successful, please read the information on this website: https://recyclingraccoons.org/