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  • Robert Lathers

Barnes, VanSlambrouck and Sheehan Elected to Portland City Council

Jim Barnes and Joel VanSlamBrouk were re-elected to Portland City Council on Tuesday night and Erica Sheehan was elected to her first term on the Council. Barnes and VanSlambrouk who received 353 and 318 votes respectively, will serve three-year terms, but Sheehan who was the third-place finisher with 261 votes will receive a two-year term, according to the City Charter. Tom St.Amour, who finished with 196 votes, placed fourth in the race for three council seats. St. Amour gave a gracious congratulatory message to the winners through a Facebook post.

Barnes, who has been on the Council since 1999 and Portland’s Mayor since 2003, told the Beacon that his priority as a City Council Member is “to ensure that Portland remains a safe and secure place to live and to be sure that we have engagement from people who run and patronize Portland businesses.”

VanSlambrouck, who has been on the Council since 2007, told the Beacon that he wants to make sure that there is “A continuous focus on water quality, including making sure that the capacity of our wastewater treatment plant meets the demands of the City’s residents and businesses and to continue proper sustainable growth that focuses on bringing head-of household type jobs to Portland.”

Erica Sheehan, Portland’s newest City Council member, will be sworn in at the next City Council Meeting on Monday, November 18th. The swearing in of Sheehan, Barnes and VanSlambrouck will be followed by the Council electing Portland’s Mayor for the next year. Sheehan told the Beacon today that she is “Really excited” about being elected and that, “I can’t wait to serve Portland in this new capacity.'' Sheehan concluded by saying, “Initially I will focus on learning the position and expectations of being a city council member."

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