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James Townsend

“Portland Stories” to Debut in September

A “live story-telling” event is being planned for the Portland Community Theatre Stage. Eight local storytellers will each tell a short 8-10-minute story about a local person, alive or dead, or a local recent or historical event. This event co-sponsored by The Portland Beacon and the Portland Community Theatre is scheduled for Sunday afternoon, September 15th and is part of this year’s Sesquicentennial celebration.

Portland Stories is an emerging part of The Portland Beacon’s community outreach efforts. Jim Townsend, Editor and Publisher of The Portland Beacon, is enthused about the opportunity of co-hosting this event with the Portland Community Theatre, “I think there are a lot of great stories in this community, past and present, and they should be told and celebrated. This inaugural event will allow The Beacon to partner with our wonderful Portland Community Theatre. To highlight and honor the Sesqucentennial there will be no admission charge. However, donations will be accepted, and the proceeds will be split between The Beacon and the Theatre.

If you have a story that you’d like to share about Portland or one of its residents, please consider being one of the initial Portland Stories’ Storytellers. If you know someone who has a great story or is a great storyteller, please encourage them to step forward and volunteer to tell it to a live audience. If you have a story, you’d like to hear please email The Beacon and we will work to get it scheduled.

The volunteer coordinator for this inaugural event is one of the Portland Beacon’s contributing writers, Robert Lathers. He can be reached by email at Please contact him to volunteer your story or to recommend another local storyteller. He will follow-up with you to answer questions and to provide additional details.

We will see you on September 15th from 2:00-3:30 at the Portland Civic Theater.

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