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PHS Hosts 16th Annual Spring Sports Carnival

Jim Townsend

On Saturday, Portland High School hosted its 16th annual Spring Sports Carnival. The event includes home contests for the baseball, softball, tennis, soccer and track teams.

When asked about the background of the event, PHS Athletic Director Kevin Veale said, “We have always had a baseball and softball invitationals. We have had the track invitational the longest. They were all on different Saturdays and it occurred to me to put them all on the same Saturday and add tennis and soccer to make an event out of it and a good way to showcase our spring sports and facilities. It has been interesting over the years with the weather. If the weather is nice it is an awesome day. If the weather is bad, it doesn’t seem like a great idea. Moving it into May has helped with that.”

To view a photo album of several of the contests, head over to the Portland Beacon Facebook page.

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