PPS Bond Construction Work Starting Soon

In a message sent to parents on Thursday, Portland Public School Superintendent Will Heath informed parents that bond funded construction work will be beginning very soon, and reminded parents to speak to children about staying out of construction zones.
Heath’s exact message is listed below:
I am excited to let everyone know that our summer of 2019 bond work is officially starting next week. Since most of this summer’s work is outside, we are able to start before school lets out. Starting early will help to ensure that all of this summer’s work is completed before school starts in the fall.
Clark Construction is installing fencing around all of the construction zones before work begins. We ask that everyone stay out of these areas and to communicate to your children to do the same. These are construction zones and entering them without permission is prohibited. At times the construction fencing, walls, and barriers may appear be in your way. If you need assistance with accessing an area that is blocked by a construction barrier, do not enter the area, please contact the school/district. We have worked out plans to allow access for all of our planned activities during the remainder of the school year and this summer.
I encourage you to visit the district’s bond page to view all of the latest drawings and information about this summer’s work. https://sites.google.com/portlandk12.org/2018-bond/home
We recently updated the page and will be adding a few more pictures to the website in the next week. Our 2019-2020 student pick up/drop off plans will be out before the end of this school year.
Thank you for your support in this bond project and for working with us so that we can get these projects done before the start of the 2019-2020 school year.
Will Heath
Portland Public Schools