Portland Athletic Association (PAA) to host Annual Fundraiser Dinner on February 9, 2019

The PAA provides financial support to the athletic budget for Portland Public Schools. With budgets being cut across the board, it is important, now more than ever, for your support. Our athletic teams have many needs including uniforms; equipment and teaching aides that are not covered under the athletic budget. The association is here to help bridge that gap for items necessary to stay competitive. That said, the Portland Athletic Association is preparing for our Annual Dinner Party 2019! The 2019 event will be held on Saturday, February 9th, 2019 at the Knights of Columbus in Portland. The cost of attendance is $100; this includes a place in the Reverse Raffle, dinner, refreshments, DJ entertainment and chances to enter drawings for many awesome prizes! Each $100 ticket sold allows the purchaser the chance to enter a reverse raffle with the top prize being $4,000! With one purchase of a $100 ticket, there is also an option to buy a $50 ticket that does not include a place in the Reverse Raffle but includes everything else mentioned!
This event is the largest fundraiser for the athletic association bringing in approximately 40% of the association’s funds for the year. Furthermore, it is a fun-filled action packed night out for its guests and really provides an opportunity for supporters of Raider athletics to have camaraderie and celebrate successes. Please consider attending if you have not before and coming back for the fun if you have attended in the past! Tickets can be purchased at all home events leading up to the dinner date until they are sold out. Please e-mail Julia Veale at vealej1@michigan.org for more information!
We appreciate your consideration, and hope that we see you there!
Julia Veale, Dinner Chair – vealej1@michigan.org (517-944-0031)
Jack Anderson, Dinner Committee
John Novara, Dinner Committee
Chris Roof, Dinner Committee
Chris Trierweiler, Dinner Committee
Jennifer Merricle, Dinner Committee