- James Townsend
Festival of Tables Set for Saturday, February 23
Festival of Tables is scheduled for Saturday, February 23, 2019, 10:30 am - 1:30 pm.
A fun event for women of all ages! Imagine a room full of beautifully decorated tables at the Church of the Nazarene in Portland, a fabulous, sit-down luncheon, prepared with generous amounts of TLC and served by your table hostess, followed by guest speaker, Sheri Wohlfert. The proceeds of this event will benefit the Portland Area Ministerial Association. You are invited to host (decorate) a table or enjoy this fun event as a guest!
There will be a Silent Auction. If you have anything that you would be willing to donate to the Silent Auction or as a door prize, please take it to the Church of the Nazarene, St. Patrick’s office, or the Festival of Tables. Tickets are now available for $12 at St. Patrick’s Parish Office and the Church of the Nazarene during regular business hours.
Call Sue Kreiner at 517-566-8010 if you would like to host a table or order tickets by mail.