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Your Home for Local High School Sports Coverage

Jim Townsend

Here at The Portland Beacon, we strive to be your number one source for both Shamrock and Raider sports coverage.

With two high schools in our community, both with proud athletic traditions and passionate student athletes, covering all the varsity teams is quite the challenge. In the year that The Portland Beacon has been serving this community, we have covered quite a bit of high school action, but with your help, we feel we can do more.

We are currently seeking businesses, organizations and individuals to sponsor local high school sports coverage. You can designate your sponsorship to the coverage of a specific school or sport if you would like. In exchange for your sponsorship, you would be recognized in those pieces.

Not interested in sponsoring, but still want to help promote the hard work of local student athletes? We are looking for both paid and volunteer contributors. No professional experience needed. Just a passion for local teams and athletes, and a dedication to providing honest coverage of their accomplishments. Parents, grandparents and students welcome to apply.

If you are interested in learning more about sponsorship or contributor options, we would love to speak with you. Please contact Jim at 517-526-4696 or

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