- Robert Lathers
Portland Sesquicentennial Celebration
A small group of about twenty-five community leaders representing local organizations met at City Hall Thursday night to listen to a report by Tina ConnorWellman, on behalf of the Sesquicentennial Steering Committee that has been meeting since July, about the events being planned for next year to celebrate Portland’s 150th birthday. Organizations represented at the meeting included the Portland Civic Players, Friends of the Red Mill, Portland Public Library, the Portland Ministerial Association, the Downtown Development Authority, The Portland Beacon and several others including private businesses. Mayor Jim Barnes and City Manager Tutt Gorman were also in attendance. Participants at the meeting were encouraged to share their thoughts and ideas.
The theme of the Sesquicentennial is “Portland-150 Years-A Bright Future Reflecting on A Strong Past”. The year long celebration will culminate over three days on the weekend of September 20th with Hot Air Balloons, A Farm to Table Dinner, Live Music, a special brew release by ConfluxCity Brewing, a 5K Run/Walk, a High Wheeler Bike Demonstration, a Car Show, “Playful Portland Streets” events for kids, a Vintage Baseball Game, Fireworks and many other events.
The Sesquicentennial Committee is currently looking for community volunteers to serve as writers, photographers, videographers and historians. Tina ConnorWellman suggested that the Sesquicentennial is an opportunity for the entire community to be involved throughout the year. To volunteer or to offer your ideas about other Sesquicentennial events please email Connor Wellman at tinacw@portland-michigan.org. The Portland Beacon will continue to publish up-to-date information on Sesquicentennial events as they become finalized.