St. Patrick School Announces 2018 Homecoming Court
James Townsend

St. Patrick School has announced its homecoming court for 2018.
Standing: Braxton Teachworth (Freshman Representative), Devin Fedewa (Junior Representative, Graham Wohlscheid (Senior Representative), Brandon Scheurer (Senior Representative), Paul Cook (Senior Representative), Connor Cross (Sophomore Representative)
Seated: Abigail Weller (Freshman Representative), Leah Kissane (Junior Representative), Summer Russman (Senior Representative), Annie Gunderman (Senior Representative) Leah Cook (Senior Representative), Marian Pearson (Sophomore Representative)
In Front: Lawrence Rogers (Prince) and Faith Higbee (Princess)
The winners will be announced during the homecoming game on Friday, September 14th, when the Shamrocks host Webberville.