Release: Rep. Calley Votes to Invest in County Veteran Services
State Rep. Julie Calley today joined the Michigan House of Representatives in approving legislation encouraging Michigan counties to establish and maintain veteran service offices through a new grant program.
Under the legislation that Calley co-sponsors, each county with a veteran service office that satisfies pre-approved requirements will receive $25,000, plus an additional amount based on the number of veterans in the county. To continue receiving the grant, an established county veteran service office must meet benchmarks for staff performance and reporting while maintaining the previous year’s funding level.
“These services must be readily available for veterans,” said Calley, of Portland. “It’s a great way to deliver services in support of our veterans across Michigan.”
Depending on the county, a Veteran Service Officer may only be available for a few hours each month at a single location. There are 11 Michigan counties currently without a county veteran services department.
House Bill 5536 now advances to the Senate for further consideration.