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Volunteer Spotlight: Amy and Joe Hewitt

Jim Townsend

We are starting a new monthly piece at The Portland Beacon focusing on volunteers right here in our community. People that go above and beyond to help charities or organizations in Portland, and ask for nothing in return.

In my time working with non-profits, I have found that many of the best volunteers never seek attention or recognition for their hard work. They simply show up, do what needs to be done, and go about their day. They are in it for others, and not for personal gain.

For the first volunteer spotlight, I personally cannot think of a couple more deserving than Amy and Joe Hewitt. These two have volunteered countless hours to Portland Junior Raider Football and Cheer over the last 12 years.

If you are not familiar with Junior Raiders, officially known as Portland Tackle Football Association, Inc., it is a local non-profit youth football and cheer organization serving about 200 area boys and girls each fall in grades four through eight.

Amy and Joe started their involvement with Junior Raiders in the fall of 2005, when their twin boys started playing youth football. Since then Amy and Joe have held just about every position in the organization. Amy has been treasurer, board member, golf outing chair, and team mom just to name a few. Joe has been a coach (several times), board member, president, and equipment coordinator, plus I am sure I am missing others.

I have been around Junior Raiders since 2012 when my oldest son started playing. Since then I have seen first hand Amy and Joe helping at every fundraiser, golf outing, registration event, awards night, and equipment handout. That is on top of the many hours that I know just the two of them spent sorting equipment, working on administrative tasks, and chasing down sponsors and donations when no one else was around. Doing whatever was necessary to keep the organization running as smoothly as possible.

Amy and Joe’s youngest son finished eighth grade football this past fall, and they no longer have a child in the program. While they are no longer actively serving on the board officially, they still do not hesitate to help when needed. Just last week Amy was helping get our concessions books in order for taxes.

Thank you, Amy and Joe, for your years of service to Junior Raiders, and for all you have done to help the boys and girls of this community.

If you have a volunteer you would like to nominate for a future volunteer spotlight, please email

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