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Raider Bowling Over DeWitt Panthers

James Townsend

The Portland boys bowling team defeated Dewitt 25 to five on Monday evening. Notable scores for Portland were:

Jack Dalman 201

Evan Warner 178

Bennett Rushin 172

Jarod Huhn 164 Notable scores for Dewitt were:

Nick Krause 164

Thomas Bronson 161 The Portland girls defeated Dewitt 16 to 14.

Notable scores for Portland were:

Emma Armour 192

Ali Schrauben 175

Ashley Zinn 166

Sammy Krausz 164 Boys Coach William Armour III said, “Portland high school boys started fast taking nine of the nine points in the first game and eight of the nine points in the second game, then winning a baker game and totals. Four large victory of 25 points. Portland girls came out strong winning both games having a total score of 16 points after two, then losing both baker games.” Armour added, “This keeps both Portland teams at the top of the CAAC Blue division.” The next match up for both teams is against Grand Ledge on Friday.

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