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Warren and Marilyn Danielson

A Note of Thanks to The Portland Community from Warren and Marilyn Danielson

Thank you to the Greater Portland Community. Your gift to Warren and I had been one of the sweetest gifts anyone could receive. You have been so accepting of us from the moment we arrived in this town with tokens of kindness shown through kind words, cookies on the porch, help with tasks large and small, just so many ways, just a "howdy" as you passed by. There is no way to express the love we have for you. Portland has everything to make it the best city in the nation. You are people of faith with strong spiritual leadership. You have city officials with faith-based ethics and leadership in the schools that has a deep concern for its students and works to promote unity within this giving community.

From the Chamber to the Civic Club, I have personally witnessed a desire to always make things better for everyone. So Warren and I made a decision to make this city of rivers and woodlands, history and progress our official home. Thank you for your cards and gifts. It is overwhelming for us to to even think of how to express the love we have for you. We thank God for the gift He has given to us in you.

In His love,

Warren and Marilyn Danielson

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